Can I just say that God has my attention? I'm sure many can relate. Ever come across a teaching in scripture that God decides to hammer over your head over several days and through several different avenues? You read the word and are caused to meditate. You hear a sermon on that exact teaching. A friend calls you and talks about the struggles he/she is having with the very same thing you are being convicted of by the Holy Spirit, and finally, your daughter, out of the blue but clearly prompted by God, says something that brings you to your knees in awe of the God who loves you and pursues you like no one you've ever known. Well, this is me right now--today.
The specific teaching that I am referring to is that of following Jesus.
I have been researching possible Bible studies for the Luther College gals this fall, and I had come across a new DVD/small group study that has been put out by Francis Chan. The title is: BASIC, and it is a study about the basic truths of the Christian faith, and is meant to help us as believers to understand the Triune God (God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and through that understanding to operate as the church that we are called to be. A few days ago, I watched the first video on The Fear of God, and it was great. But, somehow, I knew that the one that would hit me between the eyes would be the second film, which speaks of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. I had been putting off watching it, and I wasn't even planning on viewing it tonight, but a series of events that God set in motion led me to watch it tonight--and all of a sudden everything that God has been trying to get across to me began to fall into place.
A few days ago, I watched the "trailer" for the film on the BASIC website: At the time, I didn't want to pay to watch the full length version, but what was shown and said in that short teaser got me thinking about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If you haven't already, go take a peek at it. Its only a few seconds long.
Okay, so I've been doing the Precept Upon Precept study of Covenant (by Kay Arthur). This week in the study I have been studying the aspect of covenant as a solemn and binding agreement. Kay takes you through several passages of scripture to define what it really means to make a covenant. In the Hebrew, the word used is actually "carath" which means to cut. I've had a year of Hebrew study, and there is a word which means "to make" and its interesting that Moses does not use that word when referring to the covenant God made with Abraham, and later with the Israelites. He uses the word "cut" instead. And, when you look at what takes place in Genesis 15--Abraham takes the animals and cuts them into two pieces. Then, a smoking pot/oven and flaming torch pass through the pieces. Scholars believe this is God himself passing through the pieces and confirming His covenant with Abraham. This passing through or walk, was known as a walk of death. The walk of death was a testimony of the covenanting partners "to die to their own independent living. Now they were to live always in consideration of the other and the covenant they had made." During ancient times, if two people made a covenant in this way, they were saying that God should do the same thing to them that was done to the animals if either party broke the covenant. Therefore, cutting covenant was serious business.
When God made the Covenant of Law with the Israelites, he tells Moses to communicate to them that if they obey His laws they will be blessed and kept safe. If they abandon the covenant and pursue their own desires and other gods, then they were opening themselves up for God's judgement.
Fast forward to the night the New Covenant was instigated by Jesus Christ. It is the night of the Passover Feast. Jesus breaks the bread and says "This is my body, broken for you." (Broken in two pieces for you!), then he took the cup of wine and said, "This is my blood, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Did you notice he doesn't say all? He says "many." Keep this in mind as we go on. After reading this passage, Kay takes us to 1 Corinthians, where the people there were taking very lightly this "rite" of the New Covenant. Instead of examining themselves and their own sin in the light of Christ's covenant with us, they were eating and drinking to their fill and demeaning the price Jesus paid. God was disciplining them severely because of this, and Paul was clear in his rebuke of them.
When Jesus dies on the cross, an astounding things occurs. The veil in the temple, which for centuries had kept everyone but the High Priest out of God's presence in the Holy of Holies was torn IN TWO pieces from top to bottom. Later, the writer of Hebrews in Chapter 10 states that this veil represented the breaking of Jesus' body/flesh. Here's a question for you--have you ever broken a loaf of bread from bottom to top? I never have--its always top to bottom. Interesting how it all ties together!! So, Jesus himself was broken for our iniquities and he took the walk of death through the veil, which also symbolized his own body. He is the covenental partner that will NEVER abandon the covenant! We enter into covenant with Him when we believe on Him as our substitute--our reedemer--our Lord. A person who enters into a covenant is committing themselves fully to their covenanting partner. Jesus says of himself "I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No one can come to the Father but by/through me."
Earlier in His ministry, before Jesus puts the New Covenant in motion, he makes another very clear statement to those around Him. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me...."
When we cut covenant with Christ, we take the walk of death too. We die to self. "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the one who loved me and gave himself for me." Gal. 2:20. THE LIFE I LIVE IN MY TIME HERE ON EARTH IS BY FAITH. FAITH! It all boils down to faith!! Even for Abraham, God reckoned him righteous by his faith! Galatians 3:9 calls Abraham, "the believer"! After he believes God and puts his faith in Him, God cuts the covenant. And, out of his faith comes obedience. This is where the "following" comes in. If we truly are putting our faith in Jesus (notice I am using present active tense! We are "faithing" in Jesus, and this faith results in obedient following.
Francis Chan makes a strong statement in his video. He says that there are millions of people who say they are followers of Christ, but they aren't following him. They aren't doing the things he said to do. He makes the point that we can't just say we follow him and then walk down a different path. In Romans chapter 2, Paul makes it clear that when we don't obey the truth, we are selfishly ambitious. In other words, its either follow Christ, or follow self. I see no grey area here at all. In Hebrews 3, we see that it is the unbelieving heart that falls away from God. If I am not "faithing" in Jesus, then I am "faithing" in myself and I am deliberately rebelling against God. When I don't obey Him, I'm being selfish and acting in unbelief. I have been reminded this week that I have taken the walk of death! I must die to self! This can manifest itself in so many different ways: in the way I treat my husband, the way I communicate with my children, the way I choose to spend my time and energy, and so much more.
In the midst of being reminded of this teaching, I was telephoned by a former student and we had a long conversation that really centered around believing God and following Christ. We both got off the phone encouraged and renewed in our focus to follow Jesus. Also in Hebrews chapter 3 is the statement, "So let us continue encouraging each that your hearts will not be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We follow Jesus when we encourage and exhort our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ--and we are called to do this everyday!
Another way we are called to follow Jesus was clearly pointed out to me today by my five year old daughter, Caroline. About a month ago, she and I were talking about what it means to give to those who are in need. I told her that Jesus tells us to help the poor and those who have no food or clothing. We hadn't talked about it at all since then, and all of a sudden today, she brought it up. We were in the car headed home when she said: 'Mommy, I think we should give some food and money to the poor." In my very adult way I said, "Well, I will try and figure out a place in town where we could do that. We'll do it tomorrow." Then she says, "Mom, lets just go to every house and see if they are poor and need food or money, then we would know. Lets do it now! Today!" I was overwhelmed by the fervency with which she spoke. "God wants us to do this", she said.
Just before I wrote this blog, I began to put all these pieces together and I realized that God prompted my little Caroline to demonstrate to me what it means to follow Christ.
1) God said it, and we should do it! (I believe God, so I'm going to obey Him)
2) We don't need to delay--we must do it now! (Delayed obedience is really disobedience)
3) Lets not just do it half-baked, lets go to every house and see if there is a need (Deny yourself fully and give your all to Him).
As I finish this day and this blog entry, I am reminded again of how much God loves us and how He is involved in the most intricate details of our lives, and he will use a fantastic Bible teacher, an authentic and real preacher, a student and friend, and 5 year old child to speak His truth. And, he did it all within just a few days. There is no doubt that my faith is strengthened, and I am convinced that there is some dying to self that needs to be done. I am praying that God will show me the specific ways I have neglected to trust and follow Jesus. Trust and obey, for there's no other way...
"There he hangs: Jesus, the Passover Lamb, in the veil of His flesh--God's covenant sacrifice! The way to God! Do you see Him? Do you believe? Are you ready to enter into covenant? O beloved, do you realize it is a solemn, binding agreement; one that is to be honored? Are you willing to die to your independent way of life?" (Kay Arthur)
Where you go, I'll go.
Where you stay, I'll stay.
When you move, I'll move.
I will follow.
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve, I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow You.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
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