"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3
One of my favorite little devotionals is a book entitled Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. If you haven't ever heard of it, it is a daily devotional written from the perspective of Jesus. Based in scripture, each day presents a couple of Bible verses written as if Jesus were calling you into His presence. Sarah has done an excellent job with this devotional. Every time I read it I think about Him, I pray to Him, and I praise Him. It has given me such a better understanding of how much He loves me. Often, I read it at night before I go to sleep.
I read the entries just about every day this week. God used one in particular to really speak to me. When I really consider all that is involved in our upcoming move, my heart and mind can easily be filled with anxiety. I am a planner. I want things fixed, planned, and set in stone way before the actual date of their occurrance. I don't like unknowns. When I am choosing to live in my own strength and understanding, worry can easily set in. I also don't like change too much. I am a person who likes to settle somewhere. Frankly, I like Texas and the thought of leaving all that is home can sometimes be overwhelming. I have even found myself blaming God and others for all the recent changes in my life. But all of this doesn't last for long, because I know that worrying does me NO good whatsoever, and I am denying God the chance to really bless me with His presence and peace. And usually, when He brings change or a different season in our life, He is wanting to use us in a deeper and different way. He is wanting to grow us and deepen our trust in Him. He is wanting to reveal to us that He is EVERYWHERE and is working in the lives of people outside our comfort zone. God is into taking us out of our comfort zones! AND, we can have peace in the process--if we trust Him. So, the entry from May 26th really spoke to me.
"In a world of unrelenting changes, I am the One who never changes. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Find in Me the stability for which you have yearned.
I created a beautifully ordered world: one that reflected My perfection. Now, however, the world is under the bondage of sin and evil. Every person on the planet faces gaping jaws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace."
When I read the last two words of the entry, "perfect Peace," I immediately thought of Isaiah 26:3-4.
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal."
I also thought about the scripture "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
So, no matter what changes come our way, whether it be moving to a different state, or a change in relationships, job, church...whatever it may be--JESUS CHRIST is the same! He never changes! He is our Rock Eternal--not our "sand for a few days here and there."
The Isaiah scripture reminded me yet again that when I am focusing on circumstances rather than God, I WILL NOT HAVE PEACE! If my thoughts are focused on blaming others--or even God--then I will not have peace. If my thoughts are focused on the "what if's" I definitely will NOT have peace.
I have been so guilty of all of these things in the past, and to a small degree recently. But, amazingly through this particular change, for the most part, my mind has been steadfast and I have chosen to trust God. He has proven Himself faithful so many times. I cannot deny this and choose to worry and doubt.
This is hard for us as humans. We tend to think about everybody and everything but God when we are facing a crisis. Sure, we GO to God in prayer and beg him to change the situation, but do we just stop and think on HIM and Him alone? I have to admit, I don't do that enough. In other words, we need to clear our minds of what we are worrying about and just focus on Jesus!
He is the Alpha and Omega! Our lives are made up of many beginnings and endings. In fact, this week began what I call, "The first of the lasts." In other words, the first of the "goodbyes" to our way of life here in Texas. Caroline had her last week of school at Holy Spirit Episcopal in Houston. She had made many friends this year, and we became very fond of her teachers through the months. As one of her teachers brought her to the car, she (Mrs. Daniel) began to tear up. This, of course, immediately made me tear up! I realized how much I loved that school. It was such a safe place for Caroline, and at one time, I had hoped she'd be there all the way through her middle school years. I began to remember this and my stomach clinched a little and my eyes filled with tears as I realized we wouldn't be coming back.
But, just as soon as I started to allow those negative thoughts in...God reminded me of what I had read the day before. He never changes. "Cling to me, Kristin. I never change. My presence is always here and available to you, no matter what school Caroline attends. Think on Me."
I know there are many "lasts" ahead for us. Next month, we will say goodbye to the wonderful people and friends we have made at Tallowood. This was a church that I had at one time hoped our children would grow up. It was the perfect place---according to the Kristin Hightower plan. But you know what, God has other plans. He has plans that will, in the end, be better than I could have dreamed--if I trust Him and obey. Also in the coming weeks, we will say goodbye to many of the students at SHSU. We are planning to have them in our home for a time of sharing and parting. This will be tough. We love them so much. They are our life's calling, and they have been such a blessing to us. We will also have to say goodbye to our very best friends--who live just a few miles from us now. Ugh. I don't look forward to that. Then, in July, there will come a time when we have to say goodbye to our families. Oh my...it just gets harder and harder! I don't even want to think about it!
But really, in the coming weeks, I know that God has called me to think on Him. When I have chosen to think on Him, I have had peace. I have even had peace when I haven't placed my focus on Him. What grace. I know that I will need reminding of these verses once we move. As we end this season of our lives in Texas and begin a new one in Iowa, I have to remember that He never changes. I can depend on Him, no matter what. If I call out to Him, He is there. Even if I can't "feel" His presence, He is there, and He will be there in Iowa, helping us each step of the way. And, he will be here in Texas, helping our friends and family as we are apart from them for the time being.
"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I'll close with the entry from May 29.
"I am with you, watching over you constantly. I am Emmanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me....I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me. Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation."
Wow. Jesus is our Peace. Jesus has experienced every temptation we have, but was without sin. Jesus knows our pain and suffering. He knows our joys and sorrows. Every change in life that He brings--even difficult changes, can be gifts from Him. We must cast all our cares upon Him--because He cares for us.
One thing Allen and I are confident of in this new place is that God is going to use us. We have a strong conviction and confidence that he has prepared us for this next step. All of the events, circumstances, and people he brought into our lives leading up to this move have prepared us for what He is about to do. We feel a divine calling to the students at Luther College. This doesn't mean things will be easy. We will have to trust God every step of the way.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.
Trust Him, don't trust your own feelings or understanding of a situation. In everything you do, acknowledge Him. Talk to Him. Praise Him. Cry out to Him. He will direct your paths.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!....Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Tell God everything you are feeling. Be honest about your anxiety. Ask Him and request of Him. In the midst of all that, offer Him praise for who He is and what He is doing in your life. When we lay it all at His feet and trust Him, He will give us peace. He gives us a peace that we cannot understand--but it is there. This peace guards us against the negative thoughts and flaming arrows that Satan wants to fill our mind with. When our mind is stayed on Christ, worry and anxiety flee, because His peace guards us.
What wonderful promises!
Please partner in prayer with us. Pray that, through this transition and start of a new season in our lives, we will keep our minds steadfast and trust Him. We will be praying that for all our friends and family as well.
May the Peace of Christ be with you all,
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Faith to Place your Life in His Hands
I love it when the Spirit moves me to listen to music that glorifies God. Anybody ever have an empty tank and feel the need to fill it with worship of our Creator God? I have so needed His presence these past few days. I listened to a song that I have heard many times, but for the first time, God spoke to me through the words. More on this in a minute.
The past week has been quite amazing and full of many different emotions. In the middle of our wonderful family vacation to Disney World, Allen and I were faced with a life changing decision that required the biggest leap of faith we have ever taken. Many reading this blog have heard of our upcoming move to Decorah, Iowa, where Allen will begin the post as Director of Choral Activities at Luther College.
This UNEXPECTED adventure began just a couple of months ago when Luther contacted Allen and asked him to apply for the position. We were both surprised, but also very flattered. Luther College has one of the finest choirs in the nation and has a long and wonderful choral tradition. Allen sent his materials, and they contacted him for a phone interview. When Allen hung up the phone from the interview, he said, "I was so honest and blunt that I'm sure they won't call back." Well, guess what??
Not only did they call back but they invited him to campus for an interview. This interview took place the first week of May. All of this was happening so quickly, we almost didn't know what to think!
A week ago Sunday, we received the call---"Allen Luther wants you!" We prayed and sought God--not knowing for certain what His will was. That being said, as we talked about what to do, I remembered two separate occasions where the thought entered my mind, "We are going to Luther." Both times, when this thought came to my mind, I was spending time with God and listening for his voice. Its interesting, I wasn't even listening for an answer about Luther. I was just reading my Bible and listening to a sermon. The first time this feeling came was before Luther asked Allen in for the interview. It was really early on--so out of place. I remember thinking--"What? Where did that come from?"
As it came down to the wire, there in our hotel at Disney World, I asked Allen a few poignant questions. He was really struggling with the decision. Neither of us really knew for certain what God wanted, but I wanted to hear Allen's heart. I asked him, "What do you feel, deep down in your gut?"
He said, "Its the right thing, but I don't want to do it. I'm scared." To me, that was the clear answer that God was calling us to Luther. We both knew it was the right thing--deep down. But, we were afraid of what we were going to have to give up:
1) the awesome choir program and students at SHSU. This was our comfort zone.
2) living in Texas where ALL our family lives. Leaving my extended family is going to be REALLY hard.
3) Going to a totally different culture, and a town of only 8,000 people. I'm a city girl, and a town of 8,000 people is scary to me.
4) Starting completely over.
5) Cutting our salary in half! Whoa.
So--as you can see--this choice requires a lot of sacrifice on our part. This was another clue to me that God was calling us to Luther. We kind of feel like Abraham--leaving our home, comfort zone, etc. and going to a foreign place.
We were praying for God to give us a clear sign. We never received a really clear sign. I've learned through this process that sometimes God just whispers softly and gives wisdom instead of a clear sign. That is what He has done. He also points us to His Word, and reminds us that we walk by faith and not by sight. He says that perfect love drives out fear, and that His Spirit is NOT a Spirit of fear.
In my life, when I have obeyed God and stepped out in faith, He has ALWAYS confirmed His blessing.
He may not have done it right away, but at some point, He has always shown me that He was in the choice that was made--and I was in His will. Sometimes He does it more than once.
Well, today, He began to confirm that we have made the right choice. I have to say, after the decision was made, I was relieved, but also a bit sad. I have had a mixture of emotions: excitement, and grief.
Starting over is never a fun prospect for me. I always tend to ask questions, "What will I do?"
Then, today as I was longing for His presence...NOT an answer, just HIM...he began to speak to my heart.
I put on the most recent album of Christy Nockels (formerly of Watermark), and began to listen as I took care of Caroline and Julianne. The second song on the album, "Life Light Up" began to play. I've listened to the song several times, and honestly, it wasn't one of my favorites...that is....until today.
God used these words to speak to my heart and to confirm His plan for us in Decorah, Iowa. You see, no matter where we go, He is with us. And, when He calls us to the next place, things may be hard, but His blessing and peace will flow.
With You, I can go anywhere
I can do anything
You are the song I bring...
With You, You are the air I breathe
'Cause You are my everything
And I am Your offering...
I may live and I may die
Either way You're glorified
Bless the day I give my life away!
Let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for You in the darkest night
In You, I can begin again
I'm part of a bigger plan
'Cause You are the Great I Am!
In You, Your life is in my veins
And You've broken all my chains
'Cause You are the God Who reigns!
My light will shine on earth
And my Father will be praised!!
Sure, I'm a city girl--used to the city lights---going to a small, quaint town in Northeast Iowa.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and he lives in me. His light will shine bright through me
for His glory.
So, if you are struggling with a decision and haven't had a clear direction from God, start to think about what it is you are fearing. Any decision made out of fear (other than the fear of God) is the wrong decision. You can know you are in His Will, when you trust Him and obey His word and walk in His light.
This should be our motto:
Here's my life, I give it to You
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
Here's my heart, You're dwelling inside
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
For so long I have held on to all that I am
When all You want is for me to place it in Your hands, in your hands, Lord…in your hands…
Here's my thoughts, I want to think of You
and place them in Your hands
I place them in Your hands
Here's my time, take it as You will
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
For so long I have held on to all that I am
When all You want is for me to place it in Your hands
Here's my life, I give it You
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands...
The past week has been quite amazing and full of many different emotions. In the middle of our wonderful family vacation to Disney World, Allen and I were faced with a life changing decision that required the biggest leap of faith we have ever taken. Many reading this blog have heard of our upcoming move to Decorah, Iowa, where Allen will begin the post as Director of Choral Activities at Luther College.
This UNEXPECTED adventure began just a couple of months ago when Luther contacted Allen and asked him to apply for the position. We were both surprised, but also very flattered. Luther College has one of the finest choirs in the nation and has a long and wonderful choral tradition. Allen sent his materials, and they contacted him for a phone interview. When Allen hung up the phone from the interview, he said, "I was so honest and blunt that I'm sure they won't call back." Well, guess what??
Not only did they call back but they invited him to campus for an interview. This interview took place the first week of May. All of this was happening so quickly, we almost didn't know what to think!
A week ago Sunday, we received the call---"Allen Luther wants you!" We prayed and sought God--not knowing for certain what His will was. That being said, as we talked about what to do, I remembered two separate occasions where the thought entered my mind, "We are going to Luther." Both times, when this thought came to my mind, I was spending time with God and listening for his voice. Its interesting, I wasn't even listening for an answer about Luther. I was just reading my Bible and listening to a sermon. The first time this feeling came was before Luther asked Allen in for the interview. It was really early on--so out of place. I remember thinking--"What? Where did that come from?"
As it came down to the wire, there in our hotel at Disney World, I asked Allen a few poignant questions. He was really struggling with the decision. Neither of us really knew for certain what God wanted, but I wanted to hear Allen's heart. I asked him, "What do you feel, deep down in your gut?"
He said, "Its the right thing, but I don't want to do it. I'm scared." To me, that was the clear answer that God was calling us to Luther. We both knew it was the right thing--deep down. But, we were afraid of what we were going to have to give up:
1) the awesome choir program and students at SHSU. This was our comfort zone.
2) living in Texas where ALL our family lives. Leaving my extended family is going to be REALLY hard.
3) Going to a totally different culture, and a town of only 8,000 people. I'm a city girl, and a town of 8,000 people is scary to me.
4) Starting completely over.
5) Cutting our salary in half! Whoa.
So--as you can see--this choice requires a lot of sacrifice on our part. This was another clue to me that God was calling us to Luther. We kind of feel like Abraham--leaving our home, comfort zone, etc. and going to a foreign place.
We were praying for God to give us a clear sign. We never received a really clear sign. I've learned through this process that sometimes God just whispers softly and gives wisdom instead of a clear sign. That is what He has done. He also points us to His Word, and reminds us that we walk by faith and not by sight. He says that perfect love drives out fear, and that His Spirit is NOT a Spirit of fear.
In my life, when I have obeyed God and stepped out in faith, He has ALWAYS confirmed His blessing.
He may not have done it right away, but at some point, He has always shown me that He was in the choice that was made--and I was in His will. Sometimes He does it more than once.
Well, today, He began to confirm that we have made the right choice. I have to say, after the decision was made, I was relieved, but also a bit sad. I have had a mixture of emotions: excitement, and grief.
Starting over is never a fun prospect for me. I always tend to ask questions, "What will I do?"
Then, today as I was longing for His presence...NOT an answer, just HIM...he began to speak to my heart.
I put on the most recent album of Christy Nockels (formerly of Watermark), and began to listen as I took care of Caroline and Julianne. The second song on the album, "Life Light Up" began to play. I've listened to the song several times, and honestly, it wasn't one of my favorites...that is....until today.
God used these words to speak to my heart and to confirm His plan for us in Decorah, Iowa. You see, no matter where we go, He is with us. And, when He calls us to the next place, things may be hard, but His blessing and peace will flow.
With You, I can go anywhere
I can do anything
You are the song I bring...
With You, You are the air I breathe
'Cause You are my everything
And I am Your offering...
I may live and I may die
Either way You're glorified
Bless the day I give my life away!
Let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for You in the darkest night
In You, I can begin again
I'm part of a bigger plan
'Cause You are the Great I Am!
In You, Your life is in my veins
And You've broken all my chains
'Cause You are the God Who reigns!
My light will shine on earth
And my Father will be praised!!
Sure, I'm a city girl--used to the city lights---going to a small, quaint town in Northeast Iowa.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and he lives in me. His light will shine bright through me
for His glory.
So, if you are struggling with a decision and haven't had a clear direction from God, start to think about what it is you are fearing. Any decision made out of fear (other than the fear of God) is the wrong decision. You can know you are in His Will, when you trust Him and obey His word and walk in His light.
This should be our motto:
Here's my life, I give it to You
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
Here's my heart, You're dwelling inside
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
For so long I have held on to all that I am
When all You want is for me to place it in Your hands, in your hands, Lord…in your hands…
Here's my thoughts, I want to think of You
and place them in Your hands
I place them in Your hands
Here's my time, take it as You will
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands
For so long I have held on to all that I am
When all You want is for me to place it in Your hands
Here's my life, I give it You
I place it in Your hands
I place it in Your hands...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Back at Home
Hello everyone! Just wanted you to know that we are back home from our family vacation and the blogs will resume very soon! I definitely have some personal faith stories to relate--so I will be writing soon. I want some intense time with God in His Word before I write....so....more to come later!
In Him,
In Him,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Mother's Faith
This morning in church, our pastor read from 2 Timothy. It is a perfect passage for mother's day, and also fits in so well with this blog.
2Tim. 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
2Tim. 3:14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
These scriptures and the message from my pastor this morning, inspired me anew to live out my faith before my children. Paul attributed Timothy's sincere faith to the influence of his mother and grandmother. What an awesome statement Paul made. It is such a strong desire of my heart that my children will be guided to Christ by my faith and example. I would love for someone to say of my grandchildren---you have the faith your grandmother had!
I have been so blessed to have a godly mother and grandmother! But, even for those who haven't, you can start a new "heritage of faith." You can break the cycle and begin a new spiritual heritage for future generations!
Here are some things I have noticed about mothers who have lived out their faith before their children:
1) They talk about Jesus ALL the TIME. The name of God fills every sentence they utter. Their faith is so sincere--as Paul describes it in 2 Timothy 1. When all someone can talk about is Jesus--you know their faith is sincere. I want to do this more. Sure, I do it some--even everyday, but not enough. In fact, there have been moments when I haven't given praise or credit to God when talking with someone for fear of being labeled a "Jesus freak." But, you know what? What an awesome thing to be called! I want my children to speak His name with boldness, and, at the same time, to speak it with such gentleness and love.
2) These moms are calm in the midst of storms. I have had opportunities to visit with some mothers during times of grief, pain, loss, and suffering. It completely floors me when I leave a hospital room feeling blessed by the person I went to visit. When I walk out of a room feeling blessed, motivated, challenged, and humbled---that really says something about a person's faith. This happened to me very recently. I went to offer comfort and prayer, and left there feeling like I'd been in the presence of a woman who was godly, wise, and full of joy--despite her circumstances. Wow. I want to be like that. A woman of faith is like that.
3) They speak with such wisdom and discernment. Mothers (and grandmothers!) who live by faith consistently utter words of wisdom to all around them. They do it so gently and so humbly at the same time. It is really amazing.
4) They KNOW the Word. They can speak scriptures like nobody's business. The truth is constantly being spoken to their children and to those around them. Timothy's parents did this as well! He knew the Holy Scriptures! These things were taught to him by his family. If you are a parent, it is so important that you teach your children scripture memory--and teach them the truth about the power of God's word! It teaches, corrects, rebukes, and trains in righteousness! I am amazed at how fast Caroline has memorized scripture. After reading this passage this morning, I was convinced that I should be teaching her more scriptures more often. And, not only that, but applying them in my own life when different situations arise.
5) Their children follow after them. I have seen this time and time again. And, Paul obviously saw it in Timothy. Timothy was convinced! His gave his life to the preaching and teaching of the gospel!
So, all you moms out there---lets be like Lois and Eunice. Let's pray for sincere faith, teach our children the Holy Scriptures from infancy, and live out our faith before them.
And, thank you mom for being such a godly influence in my life--from infancy to now! I am praying that Caroline and Julianne will "continue in what they have learned and have become convinced of, because they know those from whom they have learned it..." and I pray that those around my daughters will be able to say, like Paul, "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Judy and in your mother Kristin and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."
I know that is your desire too.
Love you and happy Mother's day,
2Tim. 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
2Tim. 3:14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
These scriptures and the message from my pastor this morning, inspired me anew to live out my faith before my children. Paul attributed Timothy's sincere faith to the influence of his mother and grandmother. What an awesome statement Paul made. It is such a strong desire of my heart that my children will be guided to Christ by my faith and example. I would love for someone to say of my grandchildren---you have the faith your grandmother had!
I have been so blessed to have a godly mother and grandmother! But, even for those who haven't, you can start a new "heritage of faith." You can break the cycle and begin a new spiritual heritage for future generations!
Here are some things I have noticed about mothers who have lived out their faith before their children:
1) They talk about Jesus ALL the TIME. The name of God fills every sentence they utter. Their faith is so sincere--as Paul describes it in 2 Timothy 1. When all someone can talk about is Jesus--you know their faith is sincere. I want to do this more. Sure, I do it some--even everyday, but not enough. In fact, there have been moments when I haven't given praise or credit to God when talking with someone for fear of being labeled a "Jesus freak." But, you know what? What an awesome thing to be called! I want my children to speak His name with boldness, and, at the same time, to speak it with such gentleness and love.
2) These moms are calm in the midst of storms. I have had opportunities to visit with some mothers during times of grief, pain, loss, and suffering. It completely floors me when I leave a hospital room feeling blessed by the person I went to visit. When I walk out of a room feeling blessed, motivated, challenged, and humbled---that really says something about a person's faith. This happened to me very recently. I went to offer comfort and prayer, and left there feeling like I'd been in the presence of a woman who was godly, wise, and full of joy--despite her circumstances. Wow. I want to be like that. A woman of faith is like that.
3) They speak with such wisdom and discernment. Mothers (and grandmothers!) who live by faith consistently utter words of wisdom to all around them. They do it so gently and so humbly at the same time. It is really amazing.
4) They KNOW the Word. They can speak scriptures like nobody's business. The truth is constantly being spoken to their children and to those around them. Timothy's parents did this as well! He knew the Holy Scriptures! These things were taught to him by his family. If you are a parent, it is so important that you teach your children scripture memory--and teach them the truth about the power of God's word! It teaches, corrects, rebukes, and trains in righteousness! I am amazed at how fast Caroline has memorized scripture. After reading this passage this morning, I was convinced that I should be teaching her more scriptures more often. And, not only that, but applying them in my own life when different situations arise.
5) Their children follow after them. I have seen this time and time again. And, Paul obviously saw it in Timothy. Timothy was convinced! His gave his life to the preaching and teaching of the gospel!
So, all you moms out there---lets be like Lois and Eunice. Let's pray for sincere faith, teach our children the Holy Scriptures from infancy, and live out our faith before them.
And, thank you mom for being such a godly influence in my life--from infancy to now! I am praying that Caroline and Julianne will "continue in what they have learned and have become convinced of, because they know those from whom they have learned it..." and I pray that those around my daughters will be able to say, like Paul, "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Judy and in your mother Kristin and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."
I know that is your desire too.
Love you and happy Mother's day,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How Deep the Father's Love
I was reminded tonight, as I comforted and held my 4 year old Caroline, that God's love is so deep and so amazing. Caroline had a bad dream of some sort tonight and ended up calling out, "I want my mommy!" I was already headed up the stairs, so the moment she spoke that phrase, I was in the room and she was in my arms. The whole time I was in there, I don't think she ever really woke up. In fact, it took me rocking her and saying several times, "Mommy's here...its okay....I'm here, don't worry!" before she finally calmed and returned to a peaceful sleep.
As I rocked her, my mind went to several things that I needed to accomplish before my own bedtime, but those thoughts were quickly squelched as I realized that this was a precious moment that I needed to hold on to for as long as possible. For one thing, I was reminded of just how much I love that precious girl. I cannot count the number of times Caroline said to me today, "I love you mommy." Nothing melts my heart like those four words! These days with my little ones are SO precious and are quickly moving on. I found myself wanting to freeze time. I was astounded that I felt such a deep and pure love for her, but that God loves her even more than I! And, in the middle of experiencing those deep emotions, was reminded of just how much God loves me.
The tears flowed. Why do I so easily doubt His love?
One of the gifts God gives us on this earth is the blessing of parenthood. Sure, sometimes "blessing" is not the word that comes to mind! But more often than not, my cup runneth over. I believe that it is the closest thing we will ever experience on this earth to how he feels about us. Some grandparents reading this may disagree! :)
Those 15 minutes were filled with many emotions: joy, anxiety, comfort, peace, love....and then came faith. It is so hard for me not to worry about my daughters and the future ahead. There is such evil in this world. But, in those moments, my faith was built. I prayed to God, "Lord, I don't know what the future holds, but I know you love Caroline more than I do, and you love me. Right now, in this moment, I believe You."
I firmly believe that tonight happened for a reason and that God was comforting me as I comforted Caroline. We have the assurance that no matter how much our faith is tested, God is faithful and loves us with an unfailing love.
I guess I just want to remind everyone reading this that you are loved....deeply.
His love endures forever...
As I rocked her, my mind went to several things that I needed to accomplish before my own bedtime, but those thoughts were quickly squelched as I realized that this was a precious moment that I needed to hold on to for as long as possible. For one thing, I was reminded of just how much I love that precious girl. I cannot count the number of times Caroline said to me today, "I love you mommy." Nothing melts my heart like those four words! These days with my little ones are SO precious and are quickly moving on. I found myself wanting to freeze time. I was astounded that I felt such a deep and pure love for her, but that God loves her even more than I! And, in the middle of experiencing those deep emotions, was reminded of just how much God loves me.
The tears flowed. Why do I so easily doubt His love?
One of the gifts God gives us on this earth is the blessing of parenthood. Sure, sometimes "blessing" is not the word that comes to mind! But more often than not, my cup runneth over. I believe that it is the closest thing we will ever experience on this earth to how he feels about us. Some grandparents reading this may disagree! :)
Those 15 minutes were filled with many emotions: joy, anxiety, comfort, peace, love....and then came faith. It is so hard for me not to worry about my daughters and the future ahead. There is such evil in this world. But, in those moments, my faith was built. I prayed to God, "Lord, I don't know what the future holds, but I know you love Caroline more than I do, and you love me. Right now, in this moment, I believe You."
I firmly believe that tonight happened for a reason and that God was comforting me as I comforted Caroline. We have the assurance that no matter how much our faith is tested, God is faithful and loves us with an unfailing love.
I guess I just want to remind everyone reading this that you are loved....deeply.
His love endures forever...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
No ordinary child
Tonight I sat down again to read Hebrews 11, and discovered many new things! I love it when I read a familiar passage and learn something new from God.
Heb. 11:23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.
Growing up, I'm pretty sure I was told that Moses' parents hid him because they were afraid of Pharoah's edict: "Then Pharoah gave this order to all his people: 'Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live." Exodus 1:22. But, in this passage in Hebrews, it is clear that Moses' parents hid him because they believed God and did not fear Pharoah. In fact, Hebrewss 11 and Acts 7 suggest that they hid him because "he was no ordinary child." In the Greek, the word "no ordinary" can also translate "beautiful." So, Moses was a beautiful child. In Exodus, the text says that "he was a fine child." Here the Hebrew translates "good, pleasing, desirable." These parents, both from the Levitical (would soon be-priestly) line saw in Moses something beautiful and desirable. Now, I can definitely say that I felt that about my own two girls when they were born, but I think the text implies something more here.
Moses' parents saw that God was at work in this extraordinary child. They hid him because they believed that Moses had a purpose. This is clearly seen by what Moses' mother does three months later. She purposely puts Moses in the Nile (remember the edict?) right in the spot where Pharoah's daughter goes to bathe. This was no random thought on the part of Moses' mom. She had a plan and her plan worked!! Timing was everything! She didn't want just anyone to find him, she wanted Pharoah's daughter to find him. That takes extraordinary action and amazing faith.
Bottom line, they feared God more than Pharoah. They feared God more than man and anything man could do. Guess what? Their son followed in their footsteps. When Moses is "grown up" he refuses to be known as Pharoah's daughter. He willingly denounces his royalty, his position, and his authority in the Egyptian empire and associates himself with the slaves.
Lets stop and think about that for a moment. Would I do that? Would I renounce any position I had earned, money I had made, authority I had gained to be known as a slave of Christ? I think that if we have any real hesitation in this matter, we have some serious soul searching to do. I have some serious soul searching to do.
It seems that everything we humans do is to attain some kind of notoriety, popularity, acceptance, and praise. If we feel we aren't attaining it, we change jobs, change friends, change churches, get divorced, etc. etc. etc. Let me be frank, God is not interested in our glory--He is interested in HIS glory and HIS renown. So, when I am feverishly trying to hold on to some kind of pedestal of my own making, I am not believing God. Anytime I am siding with the world, I am trying to cover up my true identity as a slave of Christ! I can think back on many times in my life when I wanted to cover things up--and even lie in order to not be looked down upon by my peers or students. I still catch myself (or more rightly--am convicted by the Holy Spirit) trying to make myself look better than I am. No chinks.
The fact of the matter is, those of us in Christ really are royalty--we are daughters and sons of the King! But, we are also referred to as slaves to Christ rather than slaves to sin.
Moses chose the mistreatment of the Egyptians rather than "the pleasures of sin for a short time." He regarded the disgrace for the sake of Christ as greater than any treasure in Egypt. When will I get it through my thick skull that anything I do out of a lack of faith only has temporary satisfaction. It will not last. I could be tapping into eternal things here on earth, but I choose to grasp at straws instead. The times when God speaks to my soul and refreshes me cannot be measured by earthly standards. The most happy moments in my life can't compare to the joy He gives when I trust Him and spend time with Him. But, I am so easily distracted and so easily lured by Satan to neglect my time with God.
How many of us can honestly say that we would give up everything for the sake of Christ? This is exactly what Moses did. Why? "Because he was looking ahead to his reward." Meanwhile, I usually keep my eyes thoroughly fixed on what is going to happen in three months rather than on what my eternity will be. I'm reminded of the first verses in Hebrews 11: "Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for, and CERTAIN of what we do not see." Moses persevered because he "saw him who is invisible." Well, guess what, we have "him who is invisible" inside US when we accept Christ. He is present with us ALL THE TIME. We don't have to go to a Tent in the desert to meet with God. We are His temple! We don't have to pass through a veil into the Holy of Holies. Christ, as the great high priest and through His death on the cross made that veil obsolete. God ripped it from top to bottom and now we have access to Him. Oh, Hallelujah, what love and grace!
God please change my heart. Please reveal to me just how temporary and unsatisfactory the "pleasures of sin" really are.
Let me just qualify here that I don't believe the pleasures of sin are limited to sex, drugs, alcohol, lust, etc. etc. I think any time we choose entertainment over God, we are indulging in the pleasures of this life. Another great point that Chris Osborne made in his sermons on Psalm 19 (see the previous blog), is that entertainment (TV, music, magazines, books, internet, Facebook) will NEVER satisfy and it will NEVER make us feel more relaxed and unstressed. I'm not saying its wrong to do those things. But, when those things monopolize our day (after we get home from work or put the kids to bed) then something is wrong. I am preaching to myself! I am so guilty of this! I so easily choose to skip my quiet time with God for reading a book, planning our next vacation, watching TV, spending hours on Facebook, cleaning house, etc. etc. I admit that I don't usually "unwind" by reading my Bible.
The reason I haven't written a blog in a week is because I haven't been spending time with God! Yes, I read my Bible a few times, but I wasn't reading, meditating, and waiting for God to speak to my soul. I was checking it off of a list. I was spending all of my time preparing a birthday party, planning our forthcoming vacation, learning the ins-and-outs of my new fancy camera---everything but spending time with Him.
But, to make the kind of stand Moses made, things have got to change for me. Things have got to change for Christians everywhere, and it all starts by believing God--not by DOING more for Him.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him..." 2 Peter 1:3
"Lord, I want to know you more. Deep inside my heart I want to know you more."
I pray that this will be my heart cry and yours too!
Heb. 11:23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.
Growing up, I'm pretty sure I was told that Moses' parents hid him because they were afraid of Pharoah's edict: "Then Pharoah gave this order to all his people: 'Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live." Exodus 1:22. But, in this passage in Hebrews, it is clear that Moses' parents hid him because they believed God and did not fear Pharoah. In fact, Hebrewss 11 and Acts 7 suggest that they hid him because "he was no ordinary child." In the Greek, the word "no ordinary" can also translate "beautiful." So, Moses was a beautiful child. In Exodus, the text says that "he was a fine child." Here the Hebrew translates "good, pleasing, desirable." These parents, both from the Levitical (would soon be-priestly) line saw in Moses something beautiful and desirable. Now, I can definitely say that I felt that about my own two girls when they were born, but I think the text implies something more here.
Moses' parents saw that God was at work in this extraordinary child. They hid him because they believed that Moses had a purpose. This is clearly seen by what Moses' mother does three months later. She purposely puts Moses in the Nile (remember the edict?) right in the spot where Pharoah's daughter goes to bathe. This was no random thought on the part of Moses' mom. She had a plan and her plan worked!! Timing was everything! She didn't want just anyone to find him, she wanted Pharoah's daughter to find him. That takes extraordinary action and amazing faith.
Bottom line, they feared God more than Pharoah. They feared God more than man and anything man could do. Guess what? Their son followed in their footsteps. When Moses is "grown up" he refuses to be known as Pharoah's daughter. He willingly denounces his royalty, his position, and his authority in the Egyptian empire and associates himself with the slaves.
Lets stop and think about that for a moment. Would I do that? Would I renounce any position I had earned, money I had made, authority I had gained to be known as a slave of Christ? I think that if we have any real hesitation in this matter, we have some serious soul searching to do. I have some serious soul searching to do.
It seems that everything we humans do is to attain some kind of notoriety, popularity, acceptance, and praise. If we feel we aren't attaining it, we change jobs, change friends, change churches, get divorced, etc. etc. etc. Let me be frank, God is not interested in our glory--He is interested in HIS glory and HIS renown. So, when I am feverishly trying to hold on to some kind of pedestal of my own making, I am not believing God. Anytime I am siding with the world, I am trying to cover up my true identity as a slave of Christ! I can think back on many times in my life when I wanted to cover things up--and even lie in order to not be looked down upon by my peers or students. I still catch myself (or more rightly--am convicted by the Holy Spirit) trying to make myself look better than I am. No chinks.
The fact of the matter is, those of us in Christ really are royalty--we are daughters and sons of the King! But, we are also referred to as slaves to Christ rather than slaves to sin.
Moses chose the mistreatment of the Egyptians rather than "the pleasures of sin for a short time." He regarded the disgrace for the sake of Christ as greater than any treasure in Egypt. When will I get it through my thick skull that anything I do out of a lack of faith only has temporary satisfaction. It will not last. I could be tapping into eternal things here on earth, but I choose to grasp at straws instead. The times when God speaks to my soul and refreshes me cannot be measured by earthly standards. The most happy moments in my life can't compare to the joy He gives when I trust Him and spend time with Him. But, I am so easily distracted and so easily lured by Satan to neglect my time with God.
How many of us can honestly say that we would give up everything for the sake of Christ? This is exactly what Moses did. Why? "Because he was looking ahead to his reward." Meanwhile, I usually keep my eyes thoroughly fixed on what is going to happen in three months rather than on what my eternity will be. I'm reminded of the first verses in Hebrews 11: "Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for, and CERTAIN of what we do not see." Moses persevered because he "saw him who is invisible." Well, guess what, we have "him who is invisible" inside US when we accept Christ. He is present with us ALL THE TIME. We don't have to go to a Tent in the desert to meet with God. We are His temple! We don't have to pass through a veil into the Holy of Holies. Christ, as the great high priest and through His death on the cross made that veil obsolete. God ripped it from top to bottom and now we have access to Him. Oh, Hallelujah, what love and grace!
God please change my heart. Please reveal to me just how temporary and unsatisfactory the "pleasures of sin" really are.
Let me just qualify here that I don't believe the pleasures of sin are limited to sex, drugs, alcohol, lust, etc. etc. I think any time we choose entertainment over God, we are indulging in the pleasures of this life. Another great point that Chris Osborne made in his sermons on Psalm 19 (see the previous blog), is that entertainment (TV, music, magazines, books, internet, Facebook) will NEVER satisfy and it will NEVER make us feel more relaxed and unstressed. I'm not saying its wrong to do those things. But, when those things monopolize our day (after we get home from work or put the kids to bed) then something is wrong. I am preaching to myself! I am so guilty of this! I so easily choose to skip my quiet time with God for reading a book, planning our next vacation, watching TV, spending hours on Facebook, cleaning house, etc. etc. I admit that I don't usually "unwind" by reading my Bible.
The reason I haven't written a blog in a week is because I haven't been spending time with God! Yes, I read my Bible a few times, but I wasn't reading, meditating, and waiting for God to speak to my soul. I was checking it off of a list. I was spending all of my time preparing a birthday party, planning our forthcoming vacation, learning the ins-and-outs of my new fancy camera---everything but spending time with Him.
But, to make the kind of stand Moses made, things have got to change for me. Things have got to change for Christians everywhere, and it all starts by believing God--not by DOING more for Him.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him..." 2 Peter 1:3
"Lord, I want to know you more. Deep inside my heart I want to know you more."
I pray that this will be my heart cry and yours too!
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