I have to admit this was one of those days that I just did not want to take the time to blog. If we were all honest, I think we'd admit we all have days where we don't want to spend time with God. We just want to be in a bad mood and try to satisfy our longings with earthly things--temporal things. But, you know, I've come to the place where I know that temporal things will not satisfy. The eternal part of me couldn't stand it and so I whispered a little prayer of help to God. I needed a serious attitude adjustment. I didn't want to complete the tasks for the day that were set before me, and I needed His help. You know what, he gave it to me. I didn't really notice the answered prayer until later in the day when I discovered I had a completely different outlook on life--I had received a little spiritual boost under my wings.
I'm reminded again of how easily I let the temporal things around me take precedence over the eternal things. Here's a question. How much do you think about heaven? How much do you think about the eternal life with God that is given to us through Christ? I have to admit I go through times when I just don't think about it at all, and even more, when I do think about it, it doesn't change the way I live here and now. But, it should. If I am actively believing that my future in heaven is more real than what I see now, my days will be a whole lot different---more effective, for sure.
Having said that, we begin our next person in the hall of faith. We are going to have several days with him... and rightly so. We have lots to learn by his example.
"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith, he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God."
These verses are great because they give us insight into Abraham's faith. What was it about God that Abraham was believing that caused him to obey and go to Canaan? Look at the last sentence. Abraham was looking forward to heaven. He believed God had a place for him in eternity. This is what motivated obedience from Abraham. I love the writer of Hebrews. I hope he is revealed to us in heaven! Notice that the writer makes a point of contrasting the temporal home Abraham dwelt in in Canaan with a city that has foundations! Tent vs. City with foundations! Temporary vs. Permanent.
Abraham knew that no matter where God called him to go, it would only be a temporal place. He may live there for the rest of his life on earth, but it is still temporal. Abraham believed God.
This wholehearted trust in the future God had for him motivated immediate obedience. If you look in the Genesis account, Abraham doesn't ask questions. He gets up and goes--he and is entire family, livestock, etc.
So, lets think about this a minute. Has our obedience ever been motivated by a trust in what God has for us after this life is over? Does our hope of heaven cause us to obey God?
You know, I am a person who likes to settle down. I want to stay in one place for a long period of time. Many of you reading this who know our family's recent moves may be laughing right now! :)
At some point, I want to live somewhere for the rest of my life. But, who knows how long that is going to be? I may not be here tomorrow! I think this is what Abraham understood. He thought that God could call him to move around anywhere--that was okay, because he knew what would eventually come. He knew at some point, he would have a permanent home in heaven with God and that everything else paled in comparison.
Paul had this same belief. Just read 2 Corinthians and you will discover that he had an eternal perspective. That is why he endured all of the suffering he experienced. He knew what was ahead, and he wanted as many people as possible to have that same assurance.
Guess who else had this kind of perspective? Jesus Christ. Hebrews 12:2 says, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." I know we will all think about what Jesus endured on the cross in the coming days. Ponder it, and remember this verse.
So what is our excuse? Think about all the excuses we come up with in order to put off obedience to God! I can think of several!
"Lord, I'm just not ready yet. Give me another year and I'll do whatever you ask."
"Lord, I'm not prepared, I don't know enough. I don't feel equipped."
"Lord, I'm scared."
"Lord, I'm not good enough. I can't do that!"
"Lord, just get me through this next important thing in my life, and then I'm yours!"
Abraham didn't make these statements. He just got up and put feet to his faith.
As I have said so many times in these blogs, all to often it is the opinions of others that keep me from obeying God. I care much more about their temporal, fleeting thoughts than I do the reality of what God offers! I really want to get to the point where I just obey immediately--no questions asked! Maybe if we all meditated a little on what our future holds, and the reality of what we have in Christ right now, our days would be different.
I'm reminded of this great hymn. If you know it, sing it to Him! We have received so great a salvation, the least we can do is trust and obey!
Blessed assurance
Jesus is Mine!
O, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit
Washed in His blood.
This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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